

The Disenchanted in Soho

  • Date: August 23, 2018
  • Location: London W1D 5NA
  • Venue: The Spice of Life6 Moor St, Soho

Nicole Skeltys and The Disenchanted band return to the stage for another powerful medicine show to cure all political and spiritual ills. A folk rock sound positively ’60s/ early ’70s Dylan revisited in an unholy marriage to a 21st century sad eyed lady.

Part of an alt.country/ folkish rock themed night, other bands in the line-up include: A Little Bit Country, Ben Joseph and The Lay Lows, Martin Black. Nicole and The Disenchanted (Robin Hemmings, Howard Sarna & Matt Rosewood – all impossibly handsome) saunter into the spotlight at 8.45.